To be a leading petroleum and mineral regulatory authority in the region & a model for institutional development in Timor-Leste.


Summary of Mineral Operation Royalty Collection

2006 - 2023

No. Years Payment for Mineral License1) Payment for Minerals Permits2) Compensation for Unauthorized Mining Activity3) Exploration License - Surface Fee4) Mineral Public Tender5) Total Collection Remarks
1. 2006 $9,642.13 N/a N/a N/a N/a $9,642.13
 2. 2007 $13,058.00 N/a N/a N/a N/a $13,058.00
3. 2008 $3,420.00 N/a N/a N/a N/a $3,420.00
 4. 2009 $63,044.85 N/a N/a N/a N/a $63,044.85
5. 2010 $91,161.50 N/a N/a N/a N/a $91,161.50
 6. 2011 $72,461.00 N/a N/a N/a N/a $72,461.00
7. 2012 $45,673.00 N/a N/a N/a N/a $45,673.00
 8. 2013 $42,506.00 N/a N/a N/a N/a $42,506.00
9. 2014 $192,680.00 N/a N/a N/a N/a $192,680.00
 10. 2015 $241,729.00 N/a N/a N/a N/a $241,729.00
11. 2016 $283,741.40 N/a N/a N/a N/a $283,741.40
12. 2017 $417,079.40 N/a $617,489.50 N/a N/a $1,034,568.90
13. 2018 $178,882.60 N/a $1,489,921.68 N/a N/a $1,668,804.28
14. 2019 $1,171,038.07 N/a $1,197,858.29 $32,895.00 N/a $2,401,791.36
15. 2020 $2,287,128.68 N/a $522,728.99 $5,471.88 N/a $2,815,329.56
16. 2021 $1,684,416.49 N/a $289,460.77 - N/a $1,973,877.26
17. 2022 $2,216,541.05 $18,880.00 $215,845.15 $10,943.77 N/a $2,462,209.97
18. 2023 $393,582.50 $26,820.00 $338,404.02 - $2,850.00 $761,656.52 until 13 September 2023
 Grand Total  $9,407,785.68  $45,700.00  $4,671,708.40 $49,310.65 $2,850.00 $14,177,354.72
  1. Payment for Mineral License - the payment are composed from the following fees:
    • Payment for Mining Fees, required under Art. 8 of DM No. 64/2016 of November 16.
    • Payment for License Fees, required under Art. 7 of DM No. 64/2016 of November 16.
  2. Payment for Mineral Permits - the payment are composed from the following fees:
    • Payment for Mineral Royalty Fees, required under Art. 105 and reference to annex-II, 7(iii) of Mining Code No. 12/2021, of 30th June.
    • Payment for Administrative Fees, required under DM No. 55/2022 of 16 November, Pursuant to Art. 152 of the Mining Code.
  3. Compensation for Unauthorized Mining Activity - the payment are composed from the following fees:
    • Compensation for Unauthorized Mining Activity required under Art. 42.2 of DM No. 64/2016.
    • Compensation for Unauthorized Mining Activity required under Art. 132.3(a), Art. 132.6, and reference to annex-II, 7(iii) of Mining Code No. 12/2021, of 30th June.
  4. Exploration License - Annual Surface Fee required under Exploration Agreement, Art. 111 and reference to annex-III of Mining Code No. 12/2021, of 30th June
  5. Mineral Public Tender for Construction Materials - Bid application fees:
    • The bid application fee is non- refundable according to the ToR Public Tender for Large Scale Exploration and Mining of sand for export purpose Point.4 (f), Government Resolution No. 35/2022 of 16th December 2022.

Summary of Mineral Revenue Collection


Total Mineral Operation Royalty Collected