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Cancellation of License No. C/FFS/2022-01 – Fuel Filling Station

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM)

Public of Notice No. C/FFS/2022/01

 Cancellation of License for Automotive Fuel Filling Station

Pursuant to Article 14.1 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais would like to make public Notice on the Cancelation of License. Below is the Licensee of companies who the License will be canceled.


01. Name of License NAGARJO, LDA
Downstream Activity Marketing – Installation and Operation Automotive Fuel Filling Station
Location of Activity Becora, Cristo Rei, Dili
Licensing Number ANPM/FFS/2019/05
02. Name of License AITULA FUEL, LDA
Downstream Activity Marketing – Installation and Operation Automotive Fuel Filling Station
Location of Activity Rua de Solu – Golu, Holsa, Maliana, Bobonaro
Licensing Number ANPM/FFS/2019/13