To be a leading petroleum and mineral regulatory authority in the region & a model for institutional development in Timor-Leste.




ANUNSIU PUBLIKU Fo hatene ba konkorente partes interesantes sira hotu relasiona ho konkursu publiku tenderizasaun ANP nian REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) Supply New ICT Equipment to ANP  ho numero Referensia ANP/CS/PROC/RFP/24/017 katak submisaun dokumentu sei halo iha loron 31 Outobru 2024. Oras 16.00 OTL ne’ebe maka determinadu iha dokumentu konkursu. Informasaun detallu klik iha ne’e


ANUNSIU PUBLIKU Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) hakarak informa ba ema hotuhotu, singular ka koletivu, ho natureza públiku ka privadu, katak iha tempu badak ANP sei estabelece Regulamentu tékniku ba atividade Transportasaun Kombustível ho Kareta Tanki (Fuel Tank Trucks) Informasaun detallu klik iha ne’e

ANP, Eni, and the SEAC Launch a New Library Project in City 8 Manleuana

PRESS RELEASE The Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo I.P. (ANP) is pleased to announce the hosting of a launch event for its new National Library Project, scheduled for Monday 7, October at 3:00 PM at the ANP office in City 8 Compound. This initiative marks a significant step in promoting education and literacy within the community. […]

Public Notice

Public Notice EFFECTIVE DATE FOR PRODUCTION SHARING CONTRACT (PSC) TL-OT-22-22 (“the PSC”) Through Timor-Leste Second Licensing Round 2019/2022, HTS Exploration Ltd (HTS), a Kazakhstan E&P company, has been awarded an onshore Production Sharing Contract (PSC) TL-OT-22-22 in April 2022, which covers the area of Municipality of Viqueque. For the details please click here. Anúnsiu Publiku […]

Signing Ceremony for the Deed of Amendment of PSC TL-SO-T 19-11

Joint Press Release Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) represents the Government of Timor-Leste, today, Friday 6th September 2024 in Dili, signed a new deed of amendment to the Production Sharing Contract PSC TL-SO-T 19-11 (“the PSC”) with FINDER TIMOR-LESTE B.V., FINDER PSC 19-11 PTY LTD and TIMOR GAP PSC 11-106 Unipessoal, Limitada. For details please […]