To be a leading petroleum and mineral regulatory authority in the region & a model for institutional development in Timor-Leste.


Fuel Filling Station

2015 – Received Licensing Fee – Fuel Filling Station

Downstream – Licensing Fee: No Name of Fuel Filling Station Address License Number Annual Fee Terms of payment Date of Payment Payment  Received 1 Esperança Timor Oan, Lda, Sucursal Sau, Manatuto ANP/PRAC/2015/001 $3,450.00 Annual 28/05/2015 $3,450.00 2 East Gas Corporation, Lda Avenida 20 de Maio,Nain Feto,Dili ANP/PRAC/2015/002 $2,350.00 Annual 12/10/2015 $2,350.00 3 Vida Diak Petroleum, […]

2014 – Received Licensing Fee – Fuel Filling Station

Downstream – Licensing Fee: No Name of Fuel Filling Station Address License Number Annual Fee Terms of payment Date of Payment Payment  Received 1 Esperança Timor Oan, Lda Rua Paiol, Lahane Oriental, Dili ANP/FFS/001/2014 $8,350.00 Annual 25/11/2014 $8,350.00 2 Aitula Fuel, Lda Comoro, Dom Aleixo, Dili ANP/FFS/002/2014 $3,850.00 Annual 28/11/2014 $3,850.00 3 E Silva Motors […]

Licensing Fee No.14 – 2017 – Fuel Filling Station

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) Public of Notice, No. 14/2017 Payment tax on Installation and Operation of Fuel Filling Stations Activity Pursuant to Article 14.1 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais would like to make public Notice on the Fees resulted […]

Licensing Fee No.11 – 2017 – Fuel Filling Station

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) Public of Notice, No. 11/2017 Payment tax on Installation and Operation of Fuel Filling Stations Activity Pursuant to Article 14.1 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais would like to make public Notice on the Fees resulted […]

Licensing Fee No.8 – 2017 – Fuel Filling Station

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) Public of Notice, No. 8/2017 Payment Received for Downstream Activity Pursuant to Article 14.1 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais would like to make public Notice on the Fees resulted from payment of annual fee. Below […]