To be a leading petroleum and mineral regulatory authority in the region & a model for institutional development in Timor-Leste.


Media Release

Workshop Interministerial on PSC TL-SO-19-16

PRESS RELEASE WORKSHOP INTERMINISTERIAL ON PSC TL-SO-19-16 Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) together with SundaGas Banda Unipessosal Lda as operator on Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Area TL-SO-19-16 along with its joint venture partner Timor Gap Chudtich Unipessoal Lda as a one of subsidiaries from Timor-Leste National Oil Company Timor Gap E.P held an interministerial Workshop. […]


PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT PRODUCTION SHARING CONTRACT (PSC) -TL-SO-22-23 (“the PSC”) We are pleased to announce that, acting pursuant to Article 10 of the Law No.6/2019 of 4th December, the second Amendment of Law No. 13/2005, of 2nd September, on Petroleum Activities (Petroleum Activities Law), and Articles 3.1 and 26.1 of Decree-Law No.62/2023 of September sixth, the […]

ANP Signing the PSC with ENI Timor 22-23 B.V.

ANP Signing the PSC with ENI Timor 22-23 B.V. Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo represents the Government of Timor-Leste signing the Petroleum Sharing Contract of PSC TL-SO-22-23 block P with the Eni Timor 22-23 B.V. which is one of subsidiaries from Eni Itali incorporated under the law of Netherlands. For the details please click here ANP […]

Karau-1/Feto-Kmaus-1 and Lafaek-1/Weda-1 Exploration Wells Discoveries Announcement.

PRESS RELEASE Karau-1/Feto-Kmaus-1 and Lafaek-1/Weda-1 Exploration Wells Discoveries Announcement. Monday 27, November 2023. The Karau-1 exploration well (with its local cultural name known asFeto-Kmaus-1 well) is the first onshore exploration well drilled in the PSC TL-OT-17-08 and the Lafaek-1exploration well (with its local cultural name known as Weda-1 well) is the third onshore exploration welldrilled […]

Exploration Well Discovery

Media Release Exploration Well Discovery Kumbili-1/Liurai-1 exploration well is considered as technical Discovery as proved by oil samples that was taken by mini-DST and the presence of C1-C5 during mud logging monitoring.For details please click here