Media Release
Media Release The Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo e Minerais (ANPM) is launching its first Electronic Licensing System or better known as E-licensing on the Trading Activity (Import and Export) of Petroleum Products. The E-licensing is designed to have an effective and efficient process of obtaining Trading licenses including the Authorization for Trading, where the applications […]
Media Release After the successful first ever Timor-Leste Oil and Gas Summit in October 2019, ANPM in collaboration IN-VR continue to promote the Onshore and Offshore blocks on offer which was released in October 03,2019. As part of the second licensing round promotion efforts, during the last quarter of the 2019 and the first quarter […]
Media Release Four Environmental Licenses for Mining Activities Issued Dili, 08 June 2020; Following the decision from Higher Environmental Authority for Petroleum and Mineral sector and subsequent publication of the decision in the Jornal da Republica dated 15th May 2020 in accordance with the Article 21.2 (a) and 21. 4 of the Decree Law No.5/2011, […]
Media Release Santos has completed the acquisition of ConocoPhillips’northern Australia and Timor-Leste assets Based on information provided by Santos as published at Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) dated 28 May 2020, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (“ANPM”) on behalf of the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals would like to inform public that Santos has […]
Media Release Onshore Petroleum Operation Decree-Law is now in force and applies to Onshore Petroleum Operations In order to support Timor-Leste on the development of the infrastructure for the Petroleum activity in the Onshore area and promote the investment in the Petroleum industry in Timor-Leste, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) through the […]